Tailored Lifestyle Programs
The quality and enjoyment of lifestyle at 501
is relished by each resident with personally designed and co-ordinated
Lifestyle Programs that nurture and encourage
hobbies, talents and meaningful friendships.
The 501 Care Centre provides full time
Lifestyle Co-ordinators each highly accredited
and displaying a natural ability for an
abundance of kindness, patience
and consideration for the safety, happiness and wellbeing of each resident
Each Tailored Lifestyle Program at 501
is overseen with daily consideration, being
co-ordinated to provide the most perfect
environment possible.

The 501 Care
The family atmosphere shines
so brightly at 501, with a real
sense of comfort, familiarity
and happiness.

Hi Teas & Happy Hour
Beautifully landscaped surrounds
set the perfect ambience for
Hi Teas with the
residents relishing this time
with home cooked scones, biscuits
and treats

Scenic Drives
Community links are encouraged
as much as possible with 501 residents enjoying regular outings and special scenic drives to
venues such as the Toowoomba
Tulip Festival

Arts, Crafts & Board Games
Daily life at 501 is perfectly suited
for each resident, co-ordinated and enabled through the compassion, understanding, patience and highly developed skills of the
501 Team of Registered and Enrolled Nurses, Carers and Volunteers

Cooking Club
A popular example of weekly activities includes the Cooking Club
where residents are invited to participate by choosing and assisting
with a recipe and sharing that afternoon with fresh tea, cappuccino's and sweets

Wellness Activities
The harmonious quality of lifestyle achieved at 501 enables and nurtures
the willing involvement and participation of residents, enjoying an array of wellness activities
such as sing-a-longs, gardening,
arts and crafts

Movies & Interaction
Elegant, warm and comfortable furnishings reward residents
as they enjoy the camaraderie of friends, relishing an array of interactive activities each personally co-ordinated ensuring
just the right ambience
An Invitation
From each of us here at the 501 Care Centre,
we invite you to experience for yourself, the warmth, camaraderie and caring
atmosphere enjoyed by our valued residents.
The opportunity of a personal tour for yourself and family is invited,
and we look forward to your expression of interest through
the email fields below.